Monday 23 November 2020

7 weeks young

Today marks Jo Lynn's 7th week. 

Moving to online as it's easier to type on a phone than it is to write while holding a sleeping baby.

Trying times now, COVID cases for Sabah are still in the hundreds. Sandakan having daily 2-3 digit admissions. 

She's fallen asleep to her playlist. The begin again soundtrack, barbra streisand's "i finally found someone", richard clayderman, michael buble, the carpenters and some celine dion. 

The past 1-2 weeks have been dancing with her to sleep. Gotta figure out adding video and photos to the entry. Gona be a private blog anyways. 

Haha. Have some stuff planned out. 
- Small kitchen makeover involving waterproof wallpaper
- Organize the clothes - Jojo's, JL and mine. This will take time. 
- Cook more regularly? Need to get some sorta plan too. 

Hoping my unpaid leave gets approved. The extra time would be nice.

That aside, I'm......... doing ok. Body's gotten used to the lack of sleep. Mind however is as usual re-hashing old memories and sowing seeds of regret. 

Reading self-help articles to gain more insight into things I already know. Insight is 1 thing. Acceptance, forgiveness and moving on is another totally different thing. 

What I did at 12, 15, 19, 25, etc has helped mold me into who I am now. As imperfect as anyone else. Sigh. The people in those narratives have already moved on. These things probably dont even matter to them. 

- My McDonald's bday parties. I actually dont remember them much. 
- Keng Yen's bday parties. 
- AMB days
- Johann days
- Moscow days
- Huzai days
- HDOK days
- KKS days
- Bt 7, bt 10 days
- KKIA, KDBD days. 

Need to let go,